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  • Electronic and electrical industry

    Electronic and electrical industry

    Metal product surface, coated metal product surface, plastic product surface, automotive product surface, electronic product surface, signage product surface, profile product surface, and other product surface
  • Home appliance industry

    Home appliance industry

    Screen, keyboard, remote control for computer, TV and other electrical appliances; The surface is easy to wear home appliances, etc., the application of protective film can play a dust-proof, anti-scratch role
  • Construction industry

    Construction industry

    Used for stainless steel plate, aluminum plate, aluminum alloy profile, plastic steel profile and doors and Windows, aluminum-plastic plate, fluorocarbon plate, mirror plate, sandwich board, fire board, organic glass plate, PS,PE,PVC sunshine board and other production, transportation protection
  • Automobile industry

    Automobile industry

    Auto lamps, shell, instrument, instrument production, processing and transportation process protection
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